Virtual reality, strategy for visual communication mediated in the practice of design


  • Raymundo Portillo Rios Universidad de Monterrey


Virtual reality, visual communication, design practice, digital design, digital modeling


The study analyzed the use of virtual reality as a mediation strategy between design and visual communication in architecture and interior design students, to verify how these disciplines of construction design can make use of immersive technologies for projective work. and its communication with the rest of the actors participating in the process. The results demonstrate how the mediation of virtual reality allows the reproduction and creation of graphic content, which can be understood and reviewed by receivers external to the experience, through electronic devices of any type, not only immersive, through desktop applications, on tablets or smartphones. Another aspect to highlight was the use of the image as prominence throughout the exercise, since users reported that virtual reality allows them to preview, observe, perceive, understand, and transform the shapes in a real way, improving the spatial understanding of the model or digital model, which can be toured, zoomed in, and scaled by the operator. It is then understood that the representation of the architectural project as a visual and graphic communicative fact is developed in a double perspective, from the aesthetic to the practical, therefore, understanding the components of said process exemplifies the focal points to consider virtual reality.



How to Cite

Portillo Rios, R. (2025). Virtual reality, strategy for visual communication mediated in the practice of design. Invortex, Cinema and Communication Studies, 2(1). Retrieved from