The effects of affective responsibility in the decision to maintain a single life. Qualitative study in Queretaro’s young population


  • Ana Sofía Rovalo Vera University Anáhuac Querétaro


affective responsibility, young people, affective bonds, experience, modern lifestyle


This research looks forward to understanding affective responsibility and its impact on the decision to keep a single love life in Queretaro’s young population, beyond simple opinions. Affective responsibility is defined as the consciousness of the impact of words and actions on other people, just like communication, respect and empathy that must be considered in relationship treatment.

The study uses a qualitative approach through semi-structured interviews and focus groups that involve participants aged between twenty and twenty-two years of age. The results indicate that the deficiency of affective responsibility can lead to difficulties in interpersonal communication and the decision to maintain singleness in a young life. Determining factors of an affective responsibility include most of all attachment styles and an individual’s love languages. As well as influences from culture, family upbringing, the modern world and mainstream entertainment media in the shaping of love expectations and experiences

In brief, the results show how affective responsibility plays a significant role in the life of the youth and their decision to keep a single life. From the distinct findings of the study, the complexity of maintaining an affective responsibility in the modern world is relevant, as well as the reason for this and the need for a bigger consciousness about this matter on a personal and social level.



How to Cite

Rovalo Vera, A. S. (2023). The effects of affective responsibility in the decision to maintain a single life. Qualitative study in Queretaro’s young population. Invortex, Cinema and Communication Studies, 1(1), 165–172. Retrieved from